My First Blog Post

To start living a life fearless and free, just… take a step.

This is my step. Out of my comfort zone, and into the world.

How does this work exactly? It’s a bit intimidating. The SEO and SSL, the domain name and the plug-ins, the host and the WordPress. I think I fell off the tech train in middle school, right after learning to write “BOOBLESS” on my calculator by typing “55378008” and reading it upside down.

So technology intimidation might have been holding me back. I have an iPad with some digital art and a handful of postcard-sized paintings. I have a stack of Google Docs where I am writing books, one strong start after another, now gathering dust on the digital shelf. I have this blog and a domain, a business gmail account, an Etsy store, and an account with Printful. How do I connect it all?

Let’s back up. What is all the confusion holding me back from? At the root of it all, connection. Isn’t that what we are all craving? I’m looking to connect with the world through art and writing, and simultaneously connect with myself. My soul. The most authentic part of me. My passion and purpose. My aligned life. My destiny.

Okay. It sounds a bit dramatic. But I just know there’s something there. There’s something in this field of creativity. There’s a way to connect, and a need to connect. I’ve been following the breadcrumbs and collecting the tokens. My mind is the painter of this dreamscape, the writer of the script, the active participant in the game, and the silent observer of the show. All the pieces are scattered across the table, and I’m completing the puzzle, piece by piece.

And within this quest, there’s also a path to freedom. When aligned with a unique purpose, there is boundless energy, motivation, and creativity. Resistance and struggle dissolve and the power-leaks disappear. Work becomes Play, and there is an undercurrent of effortless flow through tasks and challenges.

Life should feel like the dream that it is.